China’s Aircraft Design Almost Complete
With the popularity and rising demand for air travel in China, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, under the leadership of Wu Guanghui, began to design a commercial aircraft that will suit the needs of the aviation industry. A model of the aircraft was recently revealed, and Wu Guanghui spoke to the media in regard to the design process and vision that he has for the aircraft. It is estimated that the design will be completed by the end of 2010, revealing a new era of Chinese aviation to the world.
With the popularity and rising demand for air travel in China, the Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China, under the leadership of Wu Guanghui, began to design a commercial aircraft that will suit the needs of the aviation industry. A model of the aircraft was recently revealed, and Wu Guanghui spoke to the media in regard to the design process and vision that he has for the aircraft. It is estimated that the design will be completed by the end of 2010, revealing a new era of Chinese aviation to the world.
The new aircraft, named C919, will offer a range of features to increase the comfort of passengers, as designers are striving to improve on the designs used by trusted carriers such as Airbus and Boeing. One of the main design features will be bigger seating for passengers, as the C919 will be able to give passengers additional centimeters to ensure a comfortable journey. The new aircraft will still be able to provide seating for 150 passengers, with six seats being available in each row, but customers will have the choice between widening the aisle space or the seating size. With the correct outlay, the C919 team hopes to achieve new design innovation and move forward in the development of future commercial aircraft.
Another feature that will create interest amongst customers is the fact that the C919 will be ten percent more cost efficient than its contemporaries. A decrease in maintenance and running costs will lead to cheaper airfares, allowing the aviation industry to gain more passengers and offer affordability to the public. The maiden flight for the C919 will take place in 2014, and it is hoped that carriers will be able to accept delivery of the C919 by 2016. Wu Guanghui has predicted estimated sales to be at approximately 2000 units, saying: “I believe we can sell more than 2,000 aircraft, in general, the 150-seat aircraft has a breakeven point of approximately 300 units.” The new C919, will be developed and new models designed to grow with the industry and the demand of the public. It is foreseen that with the rate of growth in air travel in China that more than 2000 units will be needed in the country alone. The aviation industry will be waiting in anticipation to see the C919 take to the skies.